訪問者の利便性には、サイトの構造とナビゲーションが重要です。サイト構造を構築するには、新しいページを追加して、それらを適切な場所に移動します。次に、ナビゲーションリンクを追加し、外観を編集し、サイト内の適切な場所に移動します。このセクションでは、Presence Builder でページとナビゲーションリンクを管理する方法を説明します。
このセクションの内容: |
訪問者の利便性には、サイトの構造とナビゲーションが重要です。サイト構造を構築するには、新しいページを追加して、それらを適切な場所に移動します。次に、ナビゲーションリンクを追加し、外観を編集し、サイト内の適切な場所に移動します。このセクションでは、Presence Builder でページとナビゲーションリンクを管理する方法を説明します。
このセクションの内容: |
Twig.js is a pure JavaScript implementation of the Twig PHP templating language.
Twig.js HostingPopojiCMS is one of the content management system created with a simple concept to facilitate each individual to manage the website. With the concept of joint and native php oop, ordinary web developers can quickly understand the structure of the engine PopojiCMS.
PopojiCMS HostingSiteCake is a drag and drop CMS for simple websites. It lets you publish the content just by dragging it to your web page. It's CMS for static websites, with few pages only, to cover the niche below WordPress level of complexity.
SiteCake HostingWijmo is a line of HTML5 and JavaScript products for enterprise application development.
Wijmo 5 HostingThe Google Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library.
Google Closure Library HostingGeeklog is a PHP/MySQL based application for managing dynamic web content.
Geeklog HostingTape is JavaScript testing framework.
Tape HostingEmber.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework, based on the Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM) pattern.
Ember.js HostingAdult Java Hosting packages on Linux Servers.
Adult Java HostingOpenKM is a Free/Libre document management system that provides a web interface for managing arbitrary files.
OpenKM HostingSmartClient is set of mobile and cross-browser HTML5 UI components combined with a Java-based Ajax framework, created by Isomorphic Software to build business web applications.
SmartClient HostingLiferay makes software that helps companies create digital experiences on web, mobile and connected devices.
Liferay HostingdotCMS is an open source content management system (CMS) written in Java for managing content and content driven sites and applications.
dotCMS HostingOpenCms is an open source content management system written in Java.
OpenCms HostingeXo Platform is an open source, standard-based, Enterprise Social Collaboration Platform written in Java.
eXo Platform HostingXWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility.
XWiki HostingMagnolia is an open-source digital business platform with a content management system (CMS) at its core.
Magnolia Hosting